1 Plant won't Help me...
Well, that's a pretty negative statement, it's usual define negative statements in this writing.but I'm here to tell you that one plant will help. in fact it'll help a lot more and in many different ways than you may realize.
As we all know plants are responsible for making fresh clean air that we need to survive.there are however many many more benefits to plant life. not only do all plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen so that we can breathe it.most plants also remove particles from the air metabolize different toxins and may also release other things in there that can be toxic or beneficial to us. here on earth plants and humans are symbiotic organisms we live off each other. although it may be true that many plants are required to generate the amount of oxygen it takes in any given moment to supply human with the required amount. even a single plant is beneficial. as even the very small amount of oxygen is producing would not be there without it and the very small amount of particles it might be removed from the air would be left there without it. that being said it's definitely a great idea to go get a house plant the more the better obviously but just one is a great start. and don't worry about having or not having a green thumb some of the most beneficial plants are the easiest to grow requiring minimal sunlight and just steady amounts of water. this article will discuss the philodendron for the English IV it is also known by many other names but basically it's a very easy to grow household plant. and before we move on to the next healthy habits from this particular one I will show you how it just 10 days within 30 days you can flood your entire house with these plants and put $10 on the very first day you will go to sleep with your entire family breathing better.
Breathing better, let's think about that for a second. I am a proud salesman an ethical and honest salesman. as a salesman I've come to realize that the value of any given objects service or even idea depends solely on the values that another person can honestly and with integrity place in it. having said that what do you think the value of a Breath is, what does breathing mean to you. if you're like most humans it was probably the first goal you ever sought after and achieved in your entire life. in the very first moments of life the most crucial thing for our body is to learn to breathe. from cigarettes to meditation most of us have found that breathing can do many other things than just keep us alive from relaxing us to getting ready for an athletic event. constantly day in day out every second every day 7 days a week 365 days a year we breathe in and out. do you feel the air in your motor vehicle on your way to work is clean, let's examine that air trapped in a container that is open and closed in parking lots housing other vehicles.most all of these vehicles emit hydrocarbons chloroforms and other toxins into the air.so there could be anywhere from trace amounts of these toxins along with let's say in a perfect world 28 oxygen, 71%nitrogen, but that was only until you took your first breath. now that you taking that first press most of the toxin still remain only a little bit's been absorbed by your body, however much of the oxygen you took into your lungs has been converted and replaced with carbon dioxide, which that's okay because carbon dioxide levels can build quite a bit before you start to feel the pain and burning your lungs.so even though we're not breathing are perfect 28 percent, and yes there may be other toxins in the air in the car, but we know since removing and we have our error on the deer is being circulated in small amounts are being let out and leaked in, unfortunately like an orange jetliner here in Florida we all put our he sees on max a/c which recycles the air in the car.don't take this the wrong way there in your car is much safer than the reported in the airlines used to be, this was just an attempt to gain perspective.having thought of all that let me ask you now. how much do you value fresh air?
English ivy, my wonderful little house companion... this plant is very green leafy and beautiful. pleasing to the eye, and very easy to maintain.this friend crawls along as it grows getting ever longer. this is one of the many virtues this plant brings to your home. in a home with plant shelves we wants my children and I planted these plants along the plant shelf and then drew fishing line across the ceiling letting them crawl their ways over our heads. this gave way too many oxygen generating leads along with vines of this plant, not to mention an excellent conversation starter to all my guests. the perfect blend of light and dark greens along the broad leaves made a very calming effect almost like a green ceiling of life. and having them grow over head like that I felt very confident that the circulation of air carried it over there leaves at least once or twice a day. the ivy grows in low light its fries with light and will grow more leaves the more light is there but it will sustain and continue to live and dark dimlit conditions. you may find that when the light seems to be brighter in the summertime new leaves will grow smaller and not get quite so broad however the same plant in a darker area will grow broader darker deeper green leaves. when you place your small little starter Ivy's around your house you may have first try to place them in areas they won't get knocked over or be out of the way. keep in mind these plants are here to help you bree in and when you breathe it helps them grow, their appearance is pleasing to the eye they can even help your mood so keep them close in common areas where you spend your evening hours. for someone just getting started you may not be enthused with the plants around the home idea a great place to start our your window dressings. that's right planting plants in small pots or window sill arrangements. then encourage their growth up the sides of the window to your curtain hangers. you will begin to see many different ways in which you can exploit their growth beauty and abilities. for instance a shade of beautiful green living leaves will actually absorb more heat energy keeping the house cooler than any curtains. you mentioned you would probably be the first on the block to have a beautiful living curtain. placed in window sills in water regularly these plants will grow quickly and the great thing is for each carbon atom used to construct them, an equal oxygen atom is admitted into the air. as they grow they will increase. Still spots surrounding them. this still spot is an area in which the particulate matter in the air falls free from the air this happens during the exchange of oxygen into the leaves and carbon dioxide out of leaves.. and another excellent virtue of this particular plant, is how we are going to grow another one.
the philodendron and/or IVY (Also Pothos) can grow from clippings flipped off of the end. this particular plant grows in a straight line one leaf after another and so on and so on. add each knuckle or point where the leaf connect to the stem there is a little nodule. it is when this is kept immersed in water or severely dance for great periods of time or root will sprout. once a route has sprouted it will begin to form a new leaf. and so the cycle continues. I am constantly cutting off what I call snippets of mine and cultivating them for friends. in all my time this is probably been the easiest plant ever to maintain. I usually like snippets that are at least three leaves long that will give me 3 good routes to start with. first thing you should do is look your plan over remove any damaged or diseased looking leaves. never tear your plant apart use very sharp scissors or a sharp razor knife. once you have removed your snippets each about 3 leaves long just take a small discarded butter dish, (another healthy habit is recycling and reusing dishes such as these). fill the dish with water so that the stem portion of your snippets is covered with water and the leaves are protruding out the top. now find a sunny area in your home perhaps a window sill or even kitchen table, as even during this process you end up with what looks like a very attractive plant that can be placed on the center of a table. the kitchen table is where I root most of my snippets. within only a couple days you will be getting to see white very clean looking root protruding out from those nodules. once you can visibly see this route you made plans to plant into any soft soil. preferably I will wait until the new fresh fruits are at least one inch in length, this ensures a stronger start. now as many snippets as you have you have that many new plants to spread around your home.
Planting your snippets. as I keep reiterating throughout this order: this is the easiest plant I've ever seen you around. many of mine have been grown from soil that I've dug out from my yard. this however can have consequences with the type of soil in your yard or if you bring an unwanted bug eggs or different plant life, if you do choose this option you have two sister the dirt and pick out every route or piece of grass or it will begin to grow weeds. your best bet is to spend a few dollars at the local hardware store and buy just regular standard potting soil. a light perilite mix will keep it from hardening up after excessive watering. things like Miracle Gro can be used I would recommend but it is not necessary. once in awhile I will soak discarded eggshells in water for a few days and then use that to water my plants. now that you've planted IT you want to take time and pay attention to how you water it. it can grow with low low amounts of water or high water, .the key is simply to be consistent.
now that you have started your first house plant you can begin to enjoy the fresh air.
As I stated in the beginning for 10. We will get started. .in the United States all Walmart Supercenter stores carry this type of plant. I would recommend buying two small ones at 4.99 or one large one at 9.99 or for 2499 I would send you a kit that will help you to start for plants, this kit is designed to help you and your children have a weekend of fun and supply your home with the necessary plant life it does include the plants. back to the plant from Walmart. once you've purchased a plant bring it home, look it over for any sick or damaged leaves and remove them. then plant paying attention to where the roots into the ground from the nodules in the existing plant fine too small sections with three leaves. remove these snippets and as explained above begin the routing process. if you purchase two smaller ones to stop from sending it out too much you snippets with only two leaves.
The "Snake Plant" Sansevieria trifasciata Is another Excellent Easy To Grow Home "Healthinizer". This Remarkable little friend Provides us a steady stream of deliciously crisp fresh air. This is because its Many other benefits the Snake plant, produces Oxygen Even in the Dark. Its Toxin Removal Quality helps to filter out The Toxins and Carcinogens Benzene, Formaldehyde, Trichloroethylene, Xylene, and Toluene commonly found in the family home. The Roots of this plant are particularly efficient at filtering air of Heavy Toxins, keep in mind this little guy works 24/7. Easy to maintain it likes Bright filtered light ( as in through a Living Room Window) but will survive with low light. The Broad thick leaves help a moderate humidity. and its Clean Sharp appearance is very pleasing to the eye and Can be incorporated into any decor style.
" I like having plants in the house because they are beautiful and supply you with good and refreshing air. If you put them in your room at night you will wake up in the morning."
Darrion, age13
Darrion, age13
for more in depth and more plants and ideas get the healthy human habits by Zane coming soon. as for now enjoy yourself I hope you and your family find it an excellent bonding and learning experience cleaning the air in your home. please leave your experiences in comments to this blog. I will also be accepting videos to post on my example website. Also Healthy Human Habits How to clean the air in your home, would like to share the HappyFund with you..
Please leave comments as to what you think of my article. This Article/Blog is an excerpt from my Book Healthy Human Habits. Basically a collection of habits we can acquire throughout our lives that increases the quality of our lives and those around. If you have any habits you feel can help your neighbor please share them if they get into the book you will recieve credit. Thank you I hope this excerpt has helped you and your family. the book will be up for sale in the next few weeks. My family and I have fallen on severe hard times financially the book sales will help me to get us back on our feet. after my children and I have gotten back on our feet the remaining sales will go to the Happy fund but instead of toys it will focus on educating the youth. I think I will offer the book for 5$. Please help me, if you find this info useful please share this link.
Please leave comments as to what you think of my article. This Article/Blog is an excerpt from my Book Healthy Human Habits. Basically a collection of habits we can acquire throughout our lives that increases the quality of our lives and those around. If you have any habits you feel can help your neighbor please share them if they get into the book you will recieve credit. Thank you I hope this excerpt has helped you and your family. the book will be up for sale in the next few weeks. My family and I have fallen on severe hard times financially the book sales will help me to get us back on our feet. after my children and I have gotten back on our feet the remaining sales will go to the Happy fund but instead of toys it will focus on educating the youth. I think I will offer the book for 5$. Please help me, if you find this info useful please share this link.