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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane: How to Discipline Stop Yelling, End Arguing within...

Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane: How to Discipline Stop Yelling, End Arguing within...: How to Turn Anger to Academics We love our children ; there is no doubt about that. Under no circumstance does a Parent want to hu...

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Friday, June 26, 2015

How to Discipline Stop Yelling, End Arguing within your family One Simple Step

How to Turn Anger to


We love our children; there is no doubt about that. Under no circumstance does a Parent want to hurt a child. In these situations, we are really just wanting to correct an action or idea. This is a Matter of Education Not Punishment. So why is it that in society Parents Punish when the required action is to educate? I believe this is because it’s the only way we know of. We all know the Saying “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child”. I say “Spare the Rod, Educate the Child”. This Particular Healthy Human “Home” Habit, is one I’m very proud to say I created and Cultivated on my own.
As a father, as all fathers, I was confronted with correction and discipline of my children. Even though since the moment I realized I was Required to be a father I began seeking out resources on How to. (Parenting) Of all the options there were at that time they all seemed to condone physical discipline. And of course as a child I was subjected to physical discipline. So options were Time out, spanking, grounding, Taking of liked items, or refusing Happy and liked activities. The problem is that all of these are Negative or Punitive in Nature. As a Father wanting to raise, Teach and most of all show love to my children, I couldn’t see how Negative action could achieve the Positive goal of Raising your Child. But there weren’t any options that seemed to meet this goal of positive nourishment. So as a young father I did as my Parents Did. I quickly realized the truth in the Statement “This is going to hurt me a lot more than you”.

It was while punishing my Oldest son one night. It all started at our “Family Reading”. My New Wife and I had just merged to different families together six children in total with ages ranging from 18 months to 17 years old, our family very quickly became diverse. In an effort to Bring us close together while instructing and Educating the entire Family. (Main Goal since Day One). Anyways the Idea was that each night a different member of the family would read a book or article appropriate to that child’s reading level for one hour out loud while the rest of the family listened. After the reading our family would take turns discussing what had been read. Well as you can probably tell from the beginning of this paragraph, it was my oldest sons turn that night, and That’s Right, he didn’t want to read. So a half hour after we should all be learning and bonding together I find myself standing over a crying child that absolutely refused to read. Or at least that’s what I was thinking.

At that moment I had spanked my son and was informing him that unless he calmed down and began to read he would be “Punished” again. Punished, with that word it was as if a Lightning Bolt had struck me. I immediately asked myself. Why in the Heck do I want to  “Punish” my son? He is everything in my eyes. His every action makes me Happy and Full of Pride. I’m punishing him for being upset…. He is upset because the Man he loves and looks up to his hurting him and angered with him. Who wouldn’t be upset in that situation?

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 It always hurt my heart to Punish the children but in that moment it Broke my heart as ALL the Punishments I had dealt to him and his sister in the past welled up and I thought that I had hurt the feelings of the two people that meant the most to me. I fell to my knees and begged my son for his forgiveness, Crying  myself I hugged him  and told him I Loved him and would NEVER again take action to hurt him again. In one of the MANY proud moments I have found with this awesome little man, He hugged me back and said I sorry dad, I won’t do it again. It was then I realized that he No longer even realized what the punishment was even for.

I spent the rest of that night, trying to figure out how I could be an effective father and also keep my promise of Not Hurting my child. By this point I had already taken Parenting Classes, and made good use of my subscriptions to “Parenting”, “Highlights” ( Are GREAT for Young Parents) and many other family informative texts or programs. And still as I modeled out all the disciplinary options none of them seem to fit. By that I mean I could find a reason why each option could and would eventually lead to a punitive act.

That was it; it wasn’t a punishment I was looking for. These are my kids. Not my enemies. Why should I ever punish or exact revenge as a result of a mistake, misunderstanding, or ignorance. I mean really isn’t it my job to Teach these Things? So who is at fault if they Didn’t know, or didn’t know Why it must be?  With this realization I thought, what was the Big issue with the reading. It wasn’t the reading. In fact the only action with the reading was his refusal to do it. And that was the effect caused from his lack of understanding “Why” I wanted him to read. The real Problem was That before we could communicate this reason to him, He quickly became upset. This began a chain reaction between him and I. So what did I need to teach him that could have avoided this escalation?

Well this worked both ways, Had I taken a minute to examine what was happening, and had he been calm enough to talk to in minutes we could have achieved a much different goal. I thought back to the entire confrontation. There was a point where I Calmed myself and my voice and asked my son to Take a few Deep Breaths to Calm down. No at this point he was so upset and distraught I don’t think he even understood what I was asking. So then I Suggested that he Count to Ten, again he was so Upset he just couldn’t do it. So then I asked myself what was it that actually got through. I remembered, it was the first order I gave, “Go to Your Room”. I asked myself Why?, Why, did he get up and go to his room when told but when I suggested ways to calm himself he refused.

Thinking along this plane the picture began to become very clear. There were several reasons why, he quickly got up and went to his room but for 20minutes I could not get him to just take a deep breath. The first reason he was quick to go to the room was, an “Easy Task”. The child fearing punishment for not listening subconsciously found a way to make up by completing the simple and “Physical” task of walking to the room. Second, Knowing from previous tantrums, he knew that it was going to get worse, by getting up and walking to his room he was able to “Comply” and at the same time escape the Now Punitive environment. Third that Through Sleeping and Finding personal refuge in the Bedroom it gave in an escape from fear of punishment. Fourth, I had issued that order before the tantrum Escalated.
So what order could I issue that, would change these events in any situation. I want to teach my children to pause a moment when faced with an uncertain problem, to think through the options. I want them to learn to “Take Deep Breaths” in order to calm the mind and body in times of Fear, Anger, and/or Uncertainty. And finally teach them the power of counting down to reduce anger and increase clarity. I figured that these three principles would be very effective in any of the Family confrontations as well as skills that will carry through to adult hood. Now would you rather teach your child these Ideas, or teach them Vengeance, in that mistakes are met not just with pain but with a dichotomy between your child and the One person who should always be on their side. The choice is obvious…
The Order to issue then became obvious. Push-ups. That’s Right, Push-Ups. I know what you’re thinking. This isn’t the military. Well it doesn’t have to be to teach your children to Stop, Take breaths, count down, and think before continuing a negative action or Idea. Since you’re not Yelling, Striking, or in any other way causing your child pain or hurt, You will be less likely to make empty threats. This means once you have decided to use this method as a correction tool, you Will no longer give second chances. This is because unlike spanking or yelling, or even placing the child in timeout or the corner when you have your child do push-ups “Its Great Exercise”.

 You tell the child 10 Push-ups, firmly and point to the ground. Now whatever the issue was the child is Now Taking Deep breaths, Counting to ten, and feels removed from the agitating situation. This is even excellent with two arguing siblings. And if you issue this order in a calm manner, soon it becomes more of a slowdown button, and less of a punishment. I’ll give you an example. But first Just implement this Idea of correction. Explain it to the kids. You will very Quickly see how this simple change will stop arguments, tantrums and Yelling in General within the home. By far this is the best way to correct your child and build understanding. Now for an example of success on many levels.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

5 BEST Indoor Air Cleaning Plants for your Home and Family Numbers 4 and 5

4)      Aloe   
Aloe Vera
We all know the many home remedies found with this plant, many don’t know that it is Great at removing trichloroethylene, Benzene and others associated with smoking.                                   
The aesthetic Beauty and many benefits of this plant it is recommended that small clean aloe plants should be placed on the counters in the wash rooms and kitchen. Clean areas that one would go to if they suffer a burn. The production of this plant oxygen produced/ CO2 consumed, increases with growth so regular trimming helps.  This plant is recommended at least one per household until the above recommendation can be achieved. This Plant can also be ingested for its high vitamin content.

Let in the Light of Life,
American Choice Windows or Doors will help you achieve this Goal by Safely Enlightening your Home with the Energy Necessary for advance photosynthesis required to filter and Produce the Air your Family needs and Reserves

5)    The Peace lilly

 Spathiphyllum sp.
This houseplant flowers through the summer months with a light pollen normally not abrasive to humans. The Peace Lily has broad waxy leaves,
perfect for moisture and radiation 

absorption.The Peace lily actively removes Ammonia, Benzene, Formaldehyde, CO2, and Trichloroethylene.                                                          

This sturdy plant can fit well just about anywhere in the home( Confined to standard Pot). I have seen them confined to a small pot however the peace Lily I have always preferred were large, for instance You may find that this makes an Excellent plant for your entryway, vestibule, or mud room, let it grow large 3-4 feet tall in a large pot. This Plant is an Excellent Dust Collector as well. If you’re a Cat owner this is the Perfect Air Freshener for near the cat box. Only one of these every square hundred feet will filter the adequate CO2 and toxins, but that is what makes this one Number 5.


5 Best Indoor Plants for Clean Healthy in Home Air Page (3)

3)      Spider Plant     
 Chlorophytum comosum An Elegant plant very good for CO2 removal before the toxin removal capabilities of plants were compared this Spider Plant was Thought to be the BEST Plant for Air Cleaning purpose. That was due to the high consumption rate of CO2. The Poison we humans exhale. This plant has made it to this spot on the list because a great Start would be a couple of Plants #1 and #2 but this plant should be the next to find its way into your home. The vine like growing nature makes it an easy plant to manipulate into the décor. The light and Bright Nature and Colors

of the Spider plant are a good contrast to most of the other plants we have discussed. The way in which the plant reproduces makes it easy to multiply your plants quickly and with children it is a Proven FUN activity to Grow new Spider Plants. (The Spider Plant effectively DOES remove Benzene, Ammonia, Formaldehyde, CO2, and Trichloroethylene.  It’s just it’s Not the BEST in those areas,
It was Rated Best For CO2 Removal) This strong Plant is a Great addition to your home Healthing. Since it likes to Grow Downward with stretching sprouts that like to Dangle make it very easy to come up with Creative ways to place it in the Home. Thinking Green Healthy Human Habits.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Taking Notes, Healthy Human Habits, Habits for Happy Healthy Learning, How to Learn Faster

Let Life meet your Family in Full Clarity.
American Choice Windows and Doors Support a Healthy Happy Human Life Style

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Take notes. Anytime you are trying to learn something, ESPECIALLY something completely new. This can become a habit by Carrying around a small pad of paper in your pocket. This isn’t so much so you can look back later. It is because it helps your mind to remember.

   When you first come in contact with the information ( That’s ONE Instance) if you take Notes you Automatically have FOUR Instances. Big difference than One, Right. Think about it for a moment or  “Write it down” lol. The first time you come in contact with the info, whether you Hear it, See it, Read it, Feel it or experience it. You have just focused on ONE instance of the information or idea. Then you go to write it down. To write it down you must “Think It”, then your body must “Write It” and of course while your Writing it You “See It”.
 Now those Three interactions with the initial exposure Equals FOUR times your Mind has just went over the Same fact or Idea. Its easy to see now the benefits of taking notes.  The Notes aren’t finished helping yet, if you keep the notes and review them you are once again compounding the amount of instances in which you revisit that fact. You will also find that it will help you to more easily Recover the memory of what you learned when you can’t physically go over the notes. This is because  your brain can use the memory of actually taking notes as a link so to speak to the memory of what you wrote. And because you not only heard, read, or saw the information but actually did ALL of the above as well as Physically Wrote down the thought or fact, the memory will be far more accurate and definitive.
 To you young students out there when your teacher tells you to take notes and you wonder why, “she never Grades them” or “I never Read them” this is WHY it is so important to take notes while learning in school. Whether you learn or not, You have to spend your day there if you spend it taking notes I Promise you will not regret it.

                    While we are on the Subject of Notes, these guys here at Toronto Family Law, are Exquisite when it comes to Clarity in the Affairs of Family Life, Click here For Consultation             

Rob Zane

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Healthy Human Habits

Hygiene was often marked on my daily “To Do” list as the “3C’s”. For my “To-do” List the “3C’s” stood simply for Clean, Class, and Charity. To complete this task and cross it off my list I must complete anything That at that particular moment was needed to “Clean” myself and my Surrounding environment, This You Probably already these activities which Include, Bathing, Brushing teeth, combing hair, shaving, cleaning clothes and appearance. Once myself is “Clean” I turn to the immediate environment, Straighten up living space, and or any space occupied at the time the “3C’s” are begun. And Finally my Mind, To Clean the mind would signify this step is complete, to do this I just focus on a Breathing pattern that I explain in the Breathing Healthy Human Habit. You can do this any way you chose just allow your mind to go blank.                         Next is “CLASS” to fulfil this Goal I focus on how I would want someone to “Classify” me. Once you have an Idea of how you would like the world to see you? and then take an Honest look at your present state? Compare these and think, What activity can You begin, at that Moment that Directly correlates with the “Class” you would like promote. An Example for me was Learning the Piano. Ability to play the Piano Signifies, at least to me a certain level of class. But more importantly to me it was something I would be Proud to show others. That being said for me then to cross this “C” off for a period of time I would spend at least 1 hour Practicing the Piano. (Anytime you are attempting to self teach yourself, a good base unit of time to spend should be no less than an hour).. Finally we have “CHARITY” This may be Easier to understand. Now you have cleaned your body and mind, You have started your Body and Mind on a path of learning or practice directly in a direction of personal growth you care about, Now it’s time for You to Give back to the World around you. This can be achieved in many ways. Be Creative. For me this one of the 3C’s was usually the fun start and Great way to close each day. Keep it Simple. This can be as easy as helping the neighbor kid’s cat out of a tree. Look around your immediate area for anything you can do RIGHT now to make someone else’s life Easier, Happier, or Healthier, and DO IT. The 3C’s should take up the first 1-2 hours and last 30min-2hours of your Day. If you haven’t been scheduling your day even if you don’t plan on using “To-do” lists, start this one. The three C’s CLEAN, CLASS, CHARITY, each day will help you better yourself, build confidence, and also Create an Environment in which you WILL Succeed.

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Healthy Human Habits How to Help your family and Fellow Neighbors Live Better Lives

The Idea behind the Healthy Human Habits, are simple Ideas that once implemented on a Regular basis will improve your quality of life. Helping you to Build better bonds with your Spouse, Children, and other Family members. These Habits have been proven to help increase the Quality of Life in a manner that encourages forward movement to even more enlightened states. We have compiled Many of these Healthy Human Habits, we are always looking for more input on this subject so Please Feel Free to comment any ideas you may have that you think will benefit others.
Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane

Thank You and Have a Happy and Healthy Life.

Less is More Healthy Human Habit. One Easy Step to Losing Weight and Improve the Family Diet

Healthy Human Habits
Rob Zane
In the United States Extra has become the norm. In a world of supersize fries and super big gulps Americans are thought to be the most obese, perhaps because we consume excessive amounts, of everything.

Proven Lose Weight, ONE Simple Change

 Empty your kitchen cabinets of ALL your Serving dishes, and Drinking Glasses. The Problem is they are TOO Big.  The Healthy Human Habit to Acquire here is Take less then you need whenever convenience will allow. In other words if it is easy to step into the next room and get another drink then never fill it more than half full. This will prevent Waste and Excessive indulgence,  and this is reflected through saving money and feeling more energetic because it will in fact cause you to move around the house more. Now that we have covered the Habit, ( Tell yourself, Half now and Half later,) lets get back to the dish removal Replacement.
 Chances are good that if you haven’t really considered this idea your dishes and drinking glasses are probably TOO Large. Get a diet manual. Any book on healthy diets, take a standard amount of food from the book you will see you can fit two or three healthy meals on ONE of your dinner plates. Replace your glasses with cups no more than 12oz, really should be 8oz.

  No you Can Drink to Weight Loss…J  
Replace your dinner plates with saucers no more than 10 inches in diameter. As weird as it may sound researchers have Discovered that making these simple changes are Proven ways to begin Immediate Weight Loss. The Greater control allows You to eat in a Way Far better for your Health. By Simply Changing your Utensils. And doing this at Home will help to Solidify your New Healthy Human (Eating) Habit within just a Few Weeks.

I hope this Healthy Human Habit of “Less is More” helps you in your family lead a Happier, Healthier,more Enlightened Life.

I have thought of this as the “Less is more” or “Get more later” Habit. Changing the size of the dishes works Great for Weight Loss and keeping a healthy diet, the Habit itself is actually Saving for later each time you prepare something to eat or drink. I hope this information Helps you For more in Depth Look, get Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane.

— Don Barnes, Rob Zane (@Candleman64) June 23, 2015 ">    

5 BEST Indoor Houseplant list for the Healthiest Plants for Your Home Discover How to Grow them FREE

List of Healthy Indoor Houseplants. This list is in order of most recommended first. These house plants have been rated using the ability to remove VOC’s, CO2, dust particles, Carcinogens, generate new Oxygen. This along with the amount of effort and resources required to grow the plant. And when all those factors were put together we were able to Discover Five Plants that WILL Improve the quality of Life anywhere in the US.  For use in most any home condition recommended by the "Healthy Human Habits" series. This is a Very Simple solution. You will definitely benefit by implementing at least ONE of these into your families Home. The Plant Chapter in "Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane" describes the most efficient as well as cost effective ways to maximize your use of these Plants.

1)      Pothos
Epipremnum Aureum. This Beautiful Plant is Extremely easy to Grow in Any home. Ivy like vine it can grow in the weirdest positions, just keep it trimmed and watered and it will take care of itself. These leaves are Excellent for Removing CO2, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Acetone, Ethylene, and many Carcinogens from cigarettes. When Watered regularly the Pothos produces a Decent amount of Oxygen through daytime metabolism.   

2)      Snake Plant
 Sansevieria trifasciata (wikipedia). This Elegant and Efficient Plant requires a Little More light. In return you Get a Healthing Workhorse. The Thick waxy leaves will moderate humidity while cleaning out sound waves, dust particles, and even EMF waves. All of the above cause headaches. The Snake Plant WILL lower frequency and intensity, or it will Get rid of your head aches all together. As far as the VOC, Carcinogens, CO2, and toxins. The snake Plant receives some of the highest Marks. Number two on the list. The snake plant should be placed near well-lit windows and or sliding glass doors. Any sunny spot you can sacrifice will reward your family with a great night sleep. That is because of just one more reason this Plant is a Superstar. Even in the DARK or little trooper the snake plant completes metabolism releasing OXYGEN and Consuming CO2…
 This is a MUST Have, especially if you are just starting out. Creative Potting Ideas can easily make a Stylish Window Curtain with a couple. A good balance would be one of three plants should be a snake plant.  Plants 1-2 should be the first ones on your beginners list. I have found they are very easy to incorporate into family life.



Friday, June 12, 2015

Baby Talk its fun but is it Hurting my Child? How to teach your child to talk.

Baby Talk Does it Help or HURT my family.

This segment will analyze the idea of “Baby Talk”. This is in regards to the cute fun way parents and other family members basically dummy down their speech when speaking to a child. Don’t get me wrong I realize that baby talk is Fun and usually puts a smile on the face of the one expressing it. But THAT is ALL it does. In fact it is my belief that baby talking to your young child can actually cause more harm than good. This writing will go over the value in not just being honest with your children and family but looking at every conversation as a learning opportunity for you and your child and or family.
At birth your child is a fleshy version of Johnny 5 from short circuit. By that I mean all they want is INPUT. Like little computers fresh out of the box they are full of capabilities. But like that same computer fresh out of the box they require the Software (Knowledge) do be able to utilize those capabilities. You wouldn’t intentionally load defective or in any way Broken or incorrect software would you? The same should be said for the programming (Teaching, raising) your child. You might be thinking oh well it’s just all in fun, my cute awesome little child sounds so cute the way he or she says that word. When smiling and laughing is the result we sometimes forget that he or she is “Learning” so when she or he says that word in that incorrect,, funny, or cute way, it’s a little deeper than you realize. You see that little computer is doing a lot more than just saying a funny sounding word. The child is first of attempting to communicate, a very important corner stone to human education. The child is trying to convey a thought or idea. Even though when we baby talk we are intending to make a smile. In some ways parents often feel that by baby talking we are accommodating the fact that they are learning. But the child is trying also to improve their ability to communicate. From the perspective of the child your response solidifies whether or not they have succeeded. You see when they say a word incorrectly they then look to the parent or other adult for acceptance and approval. And when you respond with an excited smile, phonetically. Repeating the dummy downed word they feel that is a success. Don’t take this the wrong way, we are not talking about discouraging the child, when you acknowledge that you understand the Idea, thought, or question the child is trying to convey with that same excited smile you say the word correctly, the child is just as happy. Now you have acknowledged what the child was correct about in the statement and also taught the child the Correct way. No this little computer full of excitement has successfully communicated; the child has learned a little more which is appreciated making the child happier. As you grow with your child this will build a bond of trust as well. The subconscious retains a lot of info, and instead of spending years teaching your child something that you will expect them KNOW is wrong only a couple years later can undermine trust. However being straight and realizing that your child is ALWAYS learning will remove that question and solidify that mom or dad can be trusted. This touches on the little white lies, something that will be covered in depth later. All the benefits to Not “Baby Talking” to your child are all equally important, for me this next benefit was the reason I wouldn’t baby talk. This was the reason I explained to my family not to baby talk my children. As was stated before our children are like little computers. Searching all day for input. Now early in life there is much we do not understand, we are learning. From birth we are learning, we learn facts, ideas, Processes, and everything else in our lives. When I child asks a question for instance “why does it get Dark at night” there are many different ways a parent might answer this question. I would answer it starting out with, “well the world we live in is actually a Ball, and like our world the sun is a ball. Our world is spinning so half the time the light from the sun shines on half of the ball while the other half remains in darkness, so right now do you think our part of the world is facing the sun or facing away from it? That may seem like an extreme example but it’s not. Even if the child is too young to understand you have filled its mind with facts that are now there and ready as the child’s brain acquires even more input as life goes on. You have also just intrigued the child, we have no idea what wonderful or weird ideas the child had previous to asking this question but now the child’s mind is filled with more wonders to consider and learn. It was my experience doing this with my children that in most cases doing this as the example above would start a discussion that would last from 2 minutes to several hours. These resulting discussions you have the child’s intrigue and complete attention, and again even if they can’t understand it all their minds are absorbing the facts and information and the brain can retrieve and compare this information at a later date. I argued this with my family when my children were toddlers; however it wasn’t long until they got older and consistently amazed their teachers and people around them as the stock piles of years’ worth of information come pouring out increasing the problem solving capabilities. I’m still amazed as my children become teenagers when I can see this take place. This also takes us back to one of the earlier benefits, Trust.  Both consciously and subconsciously the brain associates the early information learned from you is still correct later in life. But every time the brain has to overwrite your basically have to change it makes a note that information was unreliable. Let’s compound that figure all the childish answers and Baby talk statements made in a day times 365 days times several years, there will be a LOT incorrect information that needs to be changed. That takes up effort and time, where as if the correct response were given in the first place instead of correcting wrong ideas the child would be standing Proud on a foundation of trust with a bank of information confident that it is correct. The ladder situation is the starting point for problem solving whereas the baby talk is a great starting point for confusion. Yes it really means that much when your child reaches out or speaks to you they are engaging you to learn about this world it is actually quite rude when you think about it to give back a childish response. The child isn’t smiling because of the Baby Talk, they are smiling because you are, they are smiling because you’re engaging them and they love you, they are smiling because they are too young to realize that you’re not taking them seriously and are misleading them to believing they have accomplished something they haven’t.
The idea here is not to know everything but share the real knowledge you have. Answer the questions they ask as completely and thoroughly as possible. You never know what statement you make that will spark their imagination so send them all you can. Saying words the cute way actually delays their learning. They want to sound like you, show them how. Pronounce the words correctly and be proud when your child astounds you to how quickly the ability to communicate grows not just the child but the whole family.

                There are always questions we don’t for one reason or another we don’t want to answer. Do Not Lie to your family. Again this is one of those things people believe can’t be avoided. But it can and it is easy once you realize TWO things. One Love and Trust go hand in hand, don’t lie to those you love. And Two you don’t have to answer every question, by that I mean it is completely ok to say “I don’t feel you would understand so I’m not going to answer that right now.” Or “ There are times and places for everything and we will go over this at another time” or “ Honey some things you have to wait until you’re a little older, I’m proud of you and yes you are very smart now, but something can only be understood with experience. I have done this and Believe it or not it quickly becomes accepted. By accepted I mean the children learn that, that is the end of that question for now, and it builds trust. You are teaching the child One, that you are honest and will refuse a response before deceiving the child, (Which shows the child that you value your word, and that you respect them and their ideas. Two it teaches them to be honest even when it may seem difficult, and children learn by imitating those in the surrounding area they look up to. Would you rather give them an Honest role model, or teach them Very early on to lie when it makes the situation easier?

 Follow this link for more help on words that bring a family together. Learn how to raise your children without your kids telling you No.

Tips to a Happy Healthy Home
How to teach my son or daughter to talk
Using this technique proved its value when my son and I made this

Rob Zane