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Saturday, June 13, 2015

5 BEST Indoor Houseplant list for the Healthiest Plants for Your Home Discover How to Grow them FREE

List of Healthy Indoor Houseplants. This list is in order of most recommended first. These house plants have been rated using the ability to remove VOC’s, CO2, dust particles, Carcinogens, generate new Oxygen. This along with the amount of effort and resources required to grow the plant. And when all those factors were put together we were able to Discover Five Plants that WILL Improve the quality of Life anywhere in the US.  For use in most any home condition recommended by the "Healthy Human Habits" series. This is a Very Simple solution. You will definitely benefit by implementing at least ONE of these into your families Home. The Plant Chapter in "Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane" describes the most efficient as well as cost effective ways to maximize your use of these Plants.

1)      Pothos
Epipremnum Aureum. This Beautiful Plant is Extremely easy to Grow in Any home. Ivy like vine it can grow in the weirdest positions, just keep it trimmed and watered and it will take care of itself. These leaves are Excellent for Removing CO2, Formaldehyde, Benzene, Acetone, Ethylene, and many Carcinogens from cigarettes. When Watered regularly the Pothos produces a Decent amount of Oxygen through daytime metabolism.   

2)      Snake Plant
 Sansevieria trifasciata (wikipedia). This Elegant and Efficient Plant requires a Little More light. In return you Get a Healthing Workhorse. The Thick waxy leaves will moderate humidity while cleaning out sound waves, dust particles, and even EMF waves. All of the above cause headaches. The Snake Plant WILL lower frequency and intensity, or it will Get rid of your head aches all together. As far as the VOC, Carcinogens, CO2, and toxins. The snake Plant receives some of the highest Marks. Number two on the list. The snake plant should be placed near well-lit windows and or sliding glass doors. Any sunny spot you can sacrifice will reward your family with a great night sleep. That is because of just one more reason this Plant is a Superstar. Even in the DARK or little trooper the snake plant completes metabolism releasing OXYGEN and Consuming CO2…
 This is a MUST Have, especially if you are just starting out. Creative Potting Ideas can easily make a Stylish Window Curtain with a couple. A good balance would be one of three plants should be a snake plant.  Plants 1-2 should be the first ones on your beginners list. I have found they are very easy to incorporate into family life.




  1. http://healthyhumanhabitslifeplant.blogspot.com/2015/06/less-is-more-healthy-human-habit-one.html

    Less is More

  2. Help me while I research and Compile these articles.

  3. http://youtu.be/sGFKtrzKmiU

    1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCid45dhxyBxlhAut4DizLuw
