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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Healthy Human Habits

Hygiene was often marked on my daily “To Do” list as the “3C’s”. For my “To-do” List the “3C’s” stood simply for Clean, Class, and Charity. To complete this task and cross it off my list I must complete anything That at that particular moment was needed to “Clean” myself and my Surrounding environment, This You Probably already these activities which Include, Bathing, Brushing teeth, combing hair, shaving, cleaning clothes and appearance. Once myself is “Clean” I turn to the immediate environment, Straighten up living space, and or any space occupied at the time the “3C’s” are begun. And Finally my Mind, To Clean the mind would signify this step is complete, to do this I just focus on a Breathing pattern that I explain in the Breathing Healthy Human Habit. You can do this any way you chose just allow your mind to go blank.                         Next is “CLASS” to fulfil this Goal I focus on how I would want someone to “Classify” me. Once you have an Idea of how you would like the world to see you? and then take an Honest look at your present state? Compare these and think, What activity can You begin, at that Moment that Directly correlates with the “Class” you would like promote. An Example for me was Learning the Piano. Ability to play the Piano Signifies, at least to me a certain level of class. But more importantly to me it was something I would be Proud to show others. That being said for me then to cross this “C” off for a period of time I would spend at least 1 hour Practicing the Piano. (Anytime you are attempting to self teach yourself, a good base unit of time to spend should be no less than an hour).. Finally we have “CHARITY” This may be Easier to understand. Now you have cleaned your body and mind, You have started your Body and Mind on a path of learning or practice directly in a direction of personal growth you care about, Now it’s time for You to Give back to the World around you. This can be achieved in many ways. Be Creative. For me this one of the 3C’s was usually the fun start and Great way to close each day. Keep it Simple. This can be as easy as helping the neighbor kid’s cat out of a tree. Look around your immediate area for anything you can do RIGHT now to make someone else’s life Easier, Happier, or Healthier, and DO IT. The 3C’s should take up the first 1-2 hours and last 30min-2hours of your Day. If you haven’t been scheduling your day even if you don’t plan on using “To-do” lists, start this one. The three C’s CLEAN, CLASS, CHARITY, each day will help you better yourself, build confidence, and also Create an Environment in which you WILL Succeed.

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  1. this is a Great way to start out your day

  2. The Book link for Healthy Human Habits, "How to" live a Healthy Happy Home Life Manual will be available here this summer. Still just waiting on a few more last minute entries.

  3. Just by Completing this Practice before the sun came up each day this week, I can still Notice the Positive happy way it begins the day. Thats the good thing about Habits when they are healthy they Give you more pleasure than One that is Toxic, even though that seems like Common Sense, So many of us Never make that comparison. But once you do, the your mind , Body, your Reward system all Notice and begin to apply the Principle Subconsciously. 3C's Healthy Human Habit and One of my Personal Favorite.
