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Friday, July 10, 2015

Searching for Threats How to make your Home Work Commute and overall Life Safer Healthy Human Habits

Search for Threats,

Be Prepared

Be Aware

                     Sounds a Bit Negative for this writing doesn’t it, well as with everything, it’s an issue of perspective. In examine these Ideas, actions and Habits try to remain Neutral, There is no Good, Bad Right, Wrong, just reality a life through time and facts. But “Boy Scouts” some of the most successful Young men in the United States have ONE main underlining Principle, “Be Prepared”. It is to the end of that Ideal that this Healthy Human Habit is intended to aide.

              Perhaps one of the most Complex and Dynamic of the Healthy Human Habits it is also arguably One of the most important. This is because our Alertness and Awareness in the Dimension of life and time we are navigating (LIFE). In researching this Book and the H3 System it is Mind BLOWING the intelligence, data, and basically command and Programming required just to “Live”. To Exist. To walk, talk, manipulate, communicate… etc. requires Millions of Calculations, Solutions, and anticipated goals. Our Subconscious and Conscious awareness Networks so well that even the most, ignorant, uneducated, and Distracted human, can operate a system so complex as to walk, talk, breathe, Build and Repair, Record, consume Resources, refine and Create Fuel, and adapt.
The more aware of these actions and your Relevant need the more “in Control” of your mind and Body you will become. One way to achieve this goal is to begin to be “Conscious” of each of these processes and the results they produce. You are Probably thinking by now “Ok, but what does that have to do with Threats. When you begin to “Search for Threats’ in an effort to Build a Healthy Human Habit, this awareness will become more apparent to you and conversely more required.
                Enough with the Technical stuff let’s get to the skinny here. Think of a Door. What is a Door? An Entrance from one Reality to another, Right. Because that is exactly what it is. Using words like “Prepared”, “Alert” and “Aware” You can probably going to be able to guess why this Habit starts with a “Door”. And before this Journey, Remember Although Danger is Real Searching for Threats Must NOT lead to FEAR. (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) When you pass through that door your Eyes Take in all the new info and Begins Processing and Organizing the Objects, Dimensions, Ideas, and People in this New reality you have entered. By the time your hand has closed the door behind you, your mind has already Stored and/or began calculating the Data from that initial Scan you just completed and discarded, ignored, or otherwise eliminated the Data that based on your conscious expectations of this reality deem irrelevant and/or useless. Now for Most of Us packed in with the latter is often a Plethora of Info/Data that was valuable/important. However since we leave it to our subconscious auto pilot, that was in most cases Programmed by Only the Direct positive and negative experiences in our life up to that moment.
                                         No “Searching for Threats” Puts this “Initial” Scan into the hands of our Conscious thought. Now we can not only apply those past Direct positive and negative experiences and wisdom but NOW we can use the Super Computer in your Skull to combine that Data (Past Wisdom”) in a Dynamic Forward way. In other words you can Now begin to Gain “wisdom” From Experiences that Never actually occurred as your imagination is no involved and can and will create scenarios in which learning is required. Learning is Defined by Tony Robbins as “Building Relationship between that which we already Know and a New Idea Never before experienced”. This being said “searching for Threats” is not only a tool for being Prepared but Also an EXCELLENT tool for advancing your own Knowledge and Understanding of reality.
So how do we Learn to Search for Threats? This is easy. Use your Imagination
 . After reading this paragraph take a pad of paper and a pen and enter your living room. Now on this piece of paper Start with the Real Threats. Look around the room and using your imagination, if you were stumbling around, say drunk or intoxicated and stumbling around. What Objects could cause Injury? Starting with the floor write down all Trip hazards, items that in the dark even could become obstacles. Now raise your eyes a little. What objects would/could get involved if you Did trip in any given area? Would you reach out for and possibly pull down compounding and even increasing possibility and intensity of Injuries to yourself, write it down, then also write down the Property Damage possible. Your list should include, coffee tables, end tables, TV sets, Lamps, Bookshelves, rugs, Childs toys….etc. With each item use your imagination to in vision the Problem  as if it actually happened. For Instance one of the MOST Dangerous pieces of furniture Normally found in the Living room is the TV. The TV Set especially involving children results in a SUPRIZING number of ER visits and Even Death. If you’re Child was in the living room when you began this exercise Chances are you may have imagined this one, as many children sit on the floor in front of the TV. You might say well there is Nothing to push it over, Remember those ER visits I mentioned? They thought that same thing... Those who have NEVER made the ER visit for a falling or tipping TV are those that used their Imagination, or if you wish “Foresight” to see that threat and instead of asking what could Tip it, the thought Pro-actively asked the question “That Could Fall, What Can I do to Stop It”. Same problem, same observation just a different perspective. Starting to get the Idea. As you go through your home you will be astounded by what you learn about yourself, your family, and home. Don’t be overwhelmed, this exercise itself just help you become safer. This is because you have made a NEW Conscious evaluation of the objects in your reality and how they Directly relate to you and your life around them. What this means is next time you walk in the kitchen and the wife is frying eggs you will notice the frying pan Handle is overhanging the stove and simply reach over without a second thought and turn the handle in.
 When you walk past the living room and see little Johnny 3 feet from the new big TV you will Know to call out “Hey buddy, scooch back a couple feet” or you will smile Knowing that after this exercise you secured the TV to the wall behind it.
Now these are just two examples. This is because this isn’t to show you “What to Look for”, That you WILL learn with Practice. This Chapter is to demonstrate the Importance of this habit. Now for many, this habit may already exist. People trained by the military, investigators, scientists, scholars, and even writers. Our minds need a reason to create a habit, Either to Gain pleasure, or to Avoid Pain. This Book is intended to help anyone attain these Healthy Human Habits, and since for each individual there is no way to come up with a Universal Pleasure response for anyone to use to Habitualize this process. However, Fear Unfortunately is Just as effective and since Fear is (False, Evidence, Appearing, Real) The Listing Threat Technique WILL work since our Mind when Combining facts (Items and locations in a given room) with Imagination Sees the imagined scenarios as reality and acts accordingly. Now that you have went through your home and made your lists label the Notepad Averted Threats. This reaffirms that although they are threats You are confident (Thus more effective) that you can overcome if not prevent the listed catastrophes. Take your averted threats Journal and go around your yard, your vehicle, and even place of work. Ask each member of the Family to complete one as well and read theirs. Again locking different perspectives while increasing the Validation of how important this is by Noticing Dangers to your family that were previously overlooked. After completing the exercise as described you will find yourself Making a game of it, pointing out issues and dangers everywhere you go, to Solidify this habit encourage yourself. You will feel Gratitude, as if you won a prize when you notice things others don’t. As explained earlier this will increase intelligence as well which in turn will cause your brain to want to continue since By nature your Mind Craves Data like Johnny 5 Craves Input.

For more on this and other Healthy Human Habits, Get your Copy of Healthy Human Habits.
                                      Rob                                                            Zane  
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