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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Less is More Healthy Human Habit. One Easy Step to Losing Weight and Improve the Family Diet

Healthy Human Habits
Rob Zane
In the United States Extra has become the norm. In a world of supersize fries and super big gulps Americans are thought to be the most obese, perhaps because we consume excessive amounts, of everything.

Proven Lose Weight, ONE Simple Change

 Empty your kitchen cabinets of ALL your Serving dishes, and Drinking Glasses. The Problem is they are TOO Big.  The Healthy Human Habit to Acquire here is Take less then you need whenever convenience will allow. In other words if it is easy to step into the next room and get another drink then never fill it more than half full. This will prevent Waste and Excessive indulgence,  and this is reflected through saving money and feeling more energetic because it will in fact cause you to move around the house more. Now that we have covered the Habit, ( Tell yourself, Half now and Half later,) lets get back to the dish removal Replacement.
 Chances are good that if you haven’t really considered this idea your dishes and drinking glasses are probably TOO Large. Get a diet manual. Any book on healthy diets, take a standard amount of food from the book you will see you can fit two or three healthy meals on ONE of your dinner plates. Replace your glasses with cups no more than 12oz, really should be 8oz.

  No you Can Drink to Weight Loss…J  
Replace your dinner plates with saucers no more than 10 inches in diameter. As weird as it may sound researchers have Discovered that making these simple changes are Proven ways to begin Immediate Weight Loss. The Greater control allows You to eat in a Way Far better for your Health. By Simply Changing your Utensils. And doing this at Home will help to Solidify your New Healthy Human (Eating) Habit within just a Few Weeks.

I hope this Healthy Human Habit of “Less is More” helps you in your family lead a Happier, Healthier,more Enlightened Life.

I have thought of this as the “Less is more” or “Get more later” Habit. Changing the size of the dishes works Great for Weight Loss and keeping a healthy diet, the Habit itself is actually Saving for later each time you prepare something to eat or drink. I hope this information Helps you For more in Depth Look, get Healthy Human Habits by Rob Zane.

— Don Barnes, Rob Zane (@Candleman64) June 23, 2015 ">    

1 comment :

  1. Sooooo True, I often deal with Dieting to control my weight and after reading this section of Healthy Human Habits it was easy to acquire this habit. I replaced the Glasses in my Home and at first I thought it would just make me get up More (Which it does) but the fact is I quickly realized that One smaller glass seemed to be enough most of the time. No I don't waste, I was raised not to throw away food, that being said I drink the same number of glasses, of Soda,Juice,Milk and or water, The Difference was in the amount I drink and SPEND, The First Week my grocery bill was about 30$ less because I only bout Soda and Juice Once, (Usually 3 times a week) That was how I realized just how much LESS Soda my Family and I consume in a week. Def a GREAT Habit.
    Thanks Rob
